Tengyo Kura

Chronicle of Vagabondism / When everybody wants to be somebody, I want to be nobody.


Observed Youth Empowerment Class at Botswana Society for The Deaf, and learned their sign language. (Botswana, 2018)

Visited mentally challenged youth at HDVC (Help for self-help of Disabled Vulnerable Children) during one month, and became friends with them. (Rwanda, 2018)

Lived together with 117 deaf children for three nights at Demonstration Centre for The Deaf, and learned their languages and activities. (Rwanda, 2018)

Invited to a local elementary school as a guest teacher. Made stories together with 5th grade students. (Rwanda, 2018)

Visited Albinism Society in Dar Es Salaam and Mwanza, and interviewed the people. (Tanzania, 2017 -2018)

Paid a visit to Tinokwirira Special School, and observed their daily activities. (Zimbabwe, 2017)

Invited to a graduation ceremony at Takunda Deaf Art Kindergarten as a guest of honour. (Zimbabwe, 2017)

Met 200 students at Lilfordia School in Zimbabwe. Played a traditional Japanese game together, and told some stories of my vagabondism. (Zimbabwe, 2017)

Joined a human resource development program at Tokyo University of the Arts as a guest speaker. Introduced my friend who is severely mentally challenged to the participants. Discussed about a new creative way of caring mentally and/or physically challenged people in society of Japan. (Japan, 2017)

Participated in TURN Festival 3, an art and welfare collaboration event organized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Agency of Cultural Affairs. Travelled with mentally challenged people to Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum from their care center by train, and photographed events of the trip and showed the photos in iPad at the museum simultaneously. Made a booklet of photo stories from my prior stay at the care center (Japan, 2017)